Friday 3 February 2012

Why does passion die

Why when we meet someone new do we find them so damn irresistible that our thoughts are filled with constant filthy images of them, the instant attraction of tearing off each other’s clothes in a slobbering hot grabby way that still doesn’t fill the urgency you have for one another.   

The need to feel their naked body against yours and one time just isn’t enough there has to be more, more than once in a day let alone a week.
The dirty messages..... what happens to them?  They fade away with the thoughts and the actions of a longevited couple.  Where does it go and why does it stop.
I'm sure some people have longer passion periods than others, maybe weeks, maybe months, maybe even years if we’re lucky.  Our feelings are now much stronger for that person we have a bond, a connection, a solid foundation so it doesn’t make any sense why our passion dies down, why doesn’t it evolve like our relationship – as relationships grow passion diminishes.

We don’t feel the need to tell them what we wanna do to them when they get home or how much we absolutely love making love to them.   We don’t go upstairs every time we meet up with them and it’s not the first thing on the agenda. 

Where does it go and how do we find it again?  Can we find it again?

Ok so it’s been replaced with a real love a deep meaningful respect and sharing of one’s lives, it’s blossomed from lust to love.  Isn’t that a good thing?   
It’s almost like a fact of life everyone knows if you’re married or got kids it probably isn’t happening.
It comes to us all.  The natural course of any relationship is one of lust to love and then we close the chapter of the sex files and become content lying in our lover’s arms knowing it’s not just lust its love............  

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