Saturday, 9 March 2013

My life isn’t a fairytale and that is what pisses me off

Fairytale castle

It dawned on me today that I am pissed off because my life isn’t a fairytale. 

I have been watching too much One Tree Hill, where they have perfect lives and perfect partners and perfect children and they are all the best of friends.  I had a life a little like that once, although they turned out not to be so perfect. 

One Tree Hill

He was right when he said “You don’t like doing things with people” after I had said “I don’t like doing things alone.”  Hmm tis true, I am never pleased. 

I’ve got a big bun with icing on it but its missing the sprinkles.  

Maybe I am not looking in the right cupboard for the sprinkles.

Fairy cakes with sprinkles

For the first time in my life I have no drama, really the first time.  I even had a bit of drama last year but nothing compared to the rest of my life before 2010.  There was always drama, trauma and disasters. 

I watched the Truman Show last night, the film were Jim Carey is the star of a massive hit tv series but doesn’t know he is being filmed.  He is born on the set of this world the director created called Seahaven.  The director creates Trumans life and even though the bastard made his father drown when he was a boy and take away his true love he did still try and give Truman ‘the fairytale’ life.  In case you haven’t seen it I won’t say anything else.

I have spent the past few months being a negative, miserable terd.  Boyfriend can verify this.   
All I have done is focus largely on what I haven’t got and what I am not doing.   

Today I realise that concentrating on these things can only be a bad thing because I can never change them and wouldn’t it be much better to focus on the good things that I do have and that I do do.  

I am not saying for one second that this realisation means I will stop being a miserable terd but at least I know what I am supposed to do. 

I complain incessantly because boyfriend works at the weekend, well Fridays and Sundays (all day, all night).  I focus so hard on him not being here at the weekend when it’s most important and when I want him to be and when I want to do things, that I forget the other 5 days I get to have him. 

I get upset because I feel like I have no friends but then I remember that I do, they are just not always in reach.   But I am thankful for the few precious ones that I do have and I remember really fondly the ones I used to have. 

I would go nuts if I never got to be left alone but now that I am the novelty has worn off and I don’t like it.   It used to be a great treat to be left alone for the night, get to watch all the rubbish crap that would make boyfriend poke his eyes out and nibble olives and crisp all night while watching Magic Mike or Breaking Dawn!!! (*hides with embarrassment*) but as with everything once it becomes habit it is no longer special.  I do this now twice a week, every week.  Obviously the crisp and olives vary to all sorts of goodies; but still. 


Crisp and dip

I don’t normally like to get too personal on here but the chances are later on tonight I’ll be watching some film and booing into my wine glass.  I am so emotional at the moment I just cry a lot at stupid things.  I did not however cry at Breaking Dawn, so there. 

Deep down I guess I am a typical girl and I really hate to admit that (oh yuk) I pride myself on not being a typical girl; ballocks.  After watching ten million episodes of Nip Tuck, Heroes, One Tree Hill and a hundred sloshy, weepy, girly, romantic films, at heart I just want the fairytale same as everyone else.

Don’t tell anyone ;)



Saturday, 2 March 2013

Chilli tuna with noodles

Chilli tuna noodles

Serves 2-3  

Two tins of tuna
3 birdseye chillies
1.5 limes, plus zest
Tray of cherry tomatoes
½ red onion
2 nests of egg noodles
Salt and pepper

My recipe

I always remember a very healthy, very hot tuna noodle dish I made years ago.

I have used the chilli tuna method in a few other dishes, like the salads.

Tuna is really slimming, add chillies and lime and it becomes a fiery tasty treat. 

For extra umph I added red onion and cherry tomatoes.  It is very tasty indeed, I didn’t want to stop eating, in fact I think I had two plates that day and got called a greedy cow. 

This recipe can be done within around 15 minutes. 


Ingredients Chilli tuna noodles

Get the tuna mixed with the chillies and lime zest and then juice.  I grate the lime with the cheese grater.  You might want to add bit by bit tasting as you go along as this measure is to my taste and it’s quite hot. 

Chop your cherry tomatoes and onion.

Chilli tuna noodles

The noodles only take 4- 6 mins so cook them when you’re ready.

Add your onion, tomatoes and salt and pepper to the tuna. 

Drain your noodles and then mix in the tuna.

Serve with a sprinkle of coriander.
