A little pet hate may I share. The moaners and groaners we all know some.
We come across it all day everywhere we go from minor spats about what a bastard our boss is to long droans about our miserable good for nothing other halves. The expensive coffee and the one sausage on our sandwich we paid £4.00 for. To the extent of being stuck in the same low paid jerk stained job for 10 years yes that is worth a moan I am sure.
No matter how fortunate we are we all do it.
My gripe is that if something is bothering us really bothering us. Why don’t we sort it out?
We only go round this world once and I’m fucked if I will stay anywhere or with anyone when I am not happy. Sounds selfish huh? Another little thing I have learnt is that you should look after number 1. Only you can do it. It’s quite empowering if you think about it. If you really sit and consider how much you are truly in charge of your own life.
No one ever takes the plunge. The only outlet is to moan about it acknowledge that there is a problem but never do anything about it.
If we put our minds to it, it is surprising what's in our control. Admittedly some things are beyond us like death, serious illness, redundancy and true love.
The minor moans just take guts. We moan about our jobs but we are not even looking for a new one. We hate the way we are treated by our boss but have never told him/her. We’re unhappy in our relationships but we stay because we think there isn’t anything else or that it’s the right thing to do.
If we’re thoroughly that unhappy with something what is the worst that can happen if we try and change it. That we become more unhappy? That’s about it but what could happen is that we finally find our happiness and even if it doesn’t unwrap like a shiny new red Ferrari in a white bow we did it and we made the choice ourselves we took a risk.
We will feel good about ourselves and want to make more positive changes in our life.
Why wait till tomorrow.