How serious can we be with ‘Live for now’, ‘Live for the moment’, ‘Treat every day like your last’, ‘You only live once’ (My fav) etc etc. I'm all for doing that but we kinda know that it is not our last. So that arsehole of a mood that comes over us every Monday when we have to go back to work just won’t shift cause we known damn well we will most likely have to do it for the next 25 fuckin years. URGGGHHH.
Sometimes it is a useful excuse to shun responsibility and do a selfish thing or behave recklessly and worry about the consequences the next day (when you’re shamefully still alive). It’s an excuse to have fun and be spontaneous. Like for example staying out until 7am when you have a flight to catch at 10.30am then lying down for just a second and sleeping through all of your alarms and the hotel staff banging on the door. Then waking up when your plane is taking off without you. Oh no that’s just stupidity my mistake sorry.
Shall we spend that last £100 we have after work on Thursday on Tequila shots and Drambuie and big breasted strippers (the last one is just for effect) when we know the gas bills need paying and the phone bill and the car needs taxing. Why the fuck not we could be dead tomorrow. But then we aren’t!!
I love to be irresponsible if I'm honest. I like to be naughty and I like to push things farther than necessary. But we can’t do this forever, at some point we need to take charge of the lives we may very well need in the future. The lungs we will need, brain, kidneys, body that has been so beautifully abused for so long. We need to make something of ourselves we cannot rely on someone else taking care of us. Our parents won’t be around. I don’t have any children (I might be irresponsible but I am also clever) I don’t have a pension, a mortgage, savings.
The only person I can count on to look after me when I retire is me. It’s a saddening thought but the coasting is over. To be honest I've made many attempts already at ‘being a grown up’ I had a mortgage since being 20, I was married, I even owned a business two years on (please see above).
Saying all of this my friend died of leukaemia at 21, I know lots of people who have died in car accidents or have randomly just dropped dead at 30 years old in full health.
I was watching LA Ink the other day and well I know it is all very dramatic but also I do think it is true. Some girls sister who had no previous signs of death looming died suddenly one night of a brain aneurism.
So my point is this shit really happens and all of these sayings do have some logic in this life.
I think the trick is to be the best you can be and live the fullest life you can. Try and do all of the things that you want and have a goal to reach. We cannot live our lives like each day is the last because it just isn’t viable but we can try and appreciate what we do have and make the most of it. If you’re not happy make the changes you can that are within your grasp to make you as happy as you can be with what you have been given. Don’t forget you are more than likely going to have a future so think about that future now again. You want to be happy forever not just for today. Yes take risks, yes have fun, yes be irresponsible. So long as you don’t hurt anybody take what you can and do everything you can. Take all opportunities you never know where they could lead. Break routine. Try new things. See as much as you can.
Live today for tomorrow.