I had to help my boyfriend out at weekend with a charity event. I asked for calculators to be provided because I no longer ever have to add up in any kind of way to get through this life so my maths skills are lost in the 1990s and I haven’t seen them since. The thing was that I didn’t need the calculator until a huge queue had formed and my tiny brain went to meltdown. 2 x 50p and 2 x 65p add together er £2.30 right. I couldn’t do it. Then I couldn’t seem to do it on the calculator for some reason I eventually plucked out a random close by figure and the customer paid and went away. I felt so stupid having to use a calculator in front of all these people that I actually lost the ability to use the dam thing. There goes my chance of ever going on X Factor!
I’m a total wreck. I haven’t had to serve people for 15 years. I probably wasn’t all that good at it then come to think about it. I once dropped a knife from the top floor of the restaurant I worked in luckily no one was dining at the time.